Not everyone has been granted the chance to have a kid effortlessly, with some of us experiencing various techniques, advice, and even processes before attaining the child that many desired. However, because of recent technology advancements, this difficulty can now be mitigated for someone.
Cassie Destino, a 46-year-old American working at Fertility Doula and Founder of IVF Support UAE, has made the desire to have a child a reality in the UAE. Her purpose is to assist women in comprehending and preparing for parenting.
“After a lengthy and difficult journey with infertility, I found a new passion in helping other women navigate the path to parenthood,” she said.

Cassie grew up in the vast state of Los Angeles, California, in the United States. She graduated her masters from the London Film School in the United Kingdom. Her first love was filmed, and she worked in it for many years before her husband’s career took them to the United Arab Emirates.
Her training as a producer and the abilities required to establish a film school has proven appropriate for running a small, independent company as a doula and liaison to IVF facilities.
Although the professions are vastly diverse and far apart, passion brings them together and gives an excellent chance to make a difference, primarily when it benefits others.
Before forging her path in Dubai, she spent years working in the television industry in Los Angeles for a cable network. At the outset of her work, she was a personal assistant to a director.
“That was super fun because I got to see almost every aspect of bringing a film from conception to the big screen,” Cassie shared.
Aside from that, she spent two years assisting a friend in launching a soda firm and retail store in San Francisco. That was unusual, but it was a lot of fun, and she learned a lot about an industry she had no knowledge of or prior experience with.
Having excellent work currently helps her adore herself more. She can potentially make a significant impact in the lives of the women she works with via her employment. She assisted them in creating something incredibly complex, terrifying, overwhelming, more understandable, and controllable.

“I often get feedback from my clients that they feel much better after speaking to me, which is incredibly satisfying. Helping someone to become a parent is one of the most rewarding things I can imagine doing,” she said.
Cassie says that one of the most challenging aspects of her job is having to continually compartmentalize her thoughts and feelings about what she does. Her clients, by definition, come to her in a time of crisis and despair in their lives, and she is frequently called upon to relive her own experiences with infertility during her therapy. Her brain is filled with daily sad and unpleasant tales, and it might be tough to carry all that sadness.
Dubai opportunity
Having lived in the UAE for eight years, Cassie has spent six years in Dubai. Having worked for pleasure in Dubai has allowed her to find a niche that she could fill and has allowed her to work for happiness.
She says, “I don’t think I would have had the same opportunities I have had here in the other cities I have lived in. I have met some extraordinary people here and made some lifelong friends. It’s a beautiful, cosmopolitan city, and I love being a part of it.”
When Dubai Vibes Magazine asked her which section of Dubai she liked most, she responded Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR) was the greatest. She lived in JBR for several years while her children were newborns, which was their ideal environment. Friends surrounded them, and there was always something new to do, which always kept her interested.
Cassie loved being able to go out for a coffee or a meal, and having a nice view of the beach felt unique. She added, “We just loved living there and were sad to move when the kids got older, and we needed more space and closer to their school.”
Her life after work is casual since her job requires her to be on call at all times. But she may exercise, go to spin classes, accompany her children to their activities, or take a stroll around one of the local malls.
Finally, her family desires to live where they choose and on their terms. She wants to live in a thriving neighborhood where they may interact with others and visit friends and relatives frequently. She desired to live comfortably, entertain, attend a decent school, and have meaningful employment that paid the bills.