UAE law: Leave provisions under new UAE labour law no. 33 of 2021

Did you check you leave benefit in your company upon signing the contract? Here are some right to know rights of leave in accordance to the new UAE labour law no. 33 of 2021.

  • Weekly leave:

A worker has the right to get weekly a day of paid leave.

  • Holiday leave:

Public holidays will be granted as leave, if circumstances of work do not allow leave on holiday then the employee will be compensated for substitute day leave, or he will be paid 50% extra basic wage for holiday work.

  • Annual Leave:

An employee is entitled to get Paid annual leave 30 days a year for each year of service, and 2 days per month if service is more than 6 months and less than a year.

Under the new law, Part-time workers are also entitled to annual leave according to the working hours of their service.

An employer has the right to decide the date of annual leave and it can be decided according to the work requirements and in agreement with the employee, and its employer’s duty to notify the employee a month before the date of annual leave. The employee must use his leave entitlement in the same leave year, but with mutual consent can carry over annual leave days for next year.

The employer can’t stop employees from using annual leave for more than 2 years’ time period.

  • Maternity leave:

A female employee is entitled to maternity leave according

45-day full pay leaves and next 15 days half pay leaves and 45 days without pay.

  • Sick leave:

After a probationary period, a worker is entitled to 15 days with full pay and 30 days half-pay, and 45 days without pay sick leave each year.

If sickness from an occupational disease or work, injury then sick leave can be for 6 months full pay and the next 6 months half pay leave will be granted to a worker.

Other leaves:

  • Bereavement Leave: 5 days paid leave for death of a spouse and 3 days paid leave for death of child, sibling, parents, grandparents, or grandchild.
  • An employee (Father or Mother) has the right to get Paternal leave for 5 days.
  • Education leave: An employee is entitled to 10 days of education leave completion of 2 years of service.
Atty. Imran Khan, Legal Consultant in Bin Eid Advocates

  • This article is under the supervision of Atty. Imran Khan, a legal consultant in Bin Eid Advocates

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