The weather for the day is forecast to be a mix of clear and partly overcast sky, according to the National Centre of Meteorology. Winds will be mild to moderate, occasionally picking up intensity and blowing dust. Low clouds are expected to gather over the eastern coast in the morning, with the possibility of some convective clouds forming towards the east in the afternoon.

Temperatures throughout the country might reach 47 degrees Celsius, a little uptick over the previous day’s 46 degrees Celsius. Temperatures in Abu Dhabi may reach 43oC, while temperatures in Dubai may reach 42oC. Temperatures may fall as low as 32oC in Abu Dhabi, 33oC in Dubai, and 24oC in hilly locations.
Some coastal and interior areas may experience humidity overnight and into Tuesday morning, potentially resulting in mist development. In Abu Dhabi, humidity levels are expected to vary between 20 and 75 percent, while in Dubai, humidity levels are expected to range between 30 and 80 percent.
The Arabian Gulf is forecast to be reasonably quiet, with sea conditions varying from slight to moderate at times and remaining modest in the Oman Sea.