Managing menopause and weight gain: Balancing health and wellness

Menopause impacts half the world’s population, yet its effects receive too little attention. For those experiencing menopause or supporting someone who is, understanding its implications for weight management is key to overall well-being.

Menopause is a natural life stage when female periods cease, marking the end of natural fertility. It encompasses three stages:

Perimenopause: Years leading up to menopause, with irregular periods and initial symptoms.

Menopause: The point when a woman has not had a period for 12 months.

Postmenopause: The time after periods stop, symptoms may gradually ease or continue.

While menopause generally occurs between ages 45 and 55, fluctuating estrogen levels trigger changes that can manifest differently for each woman.

Weight gain in midlife is common for everyone – regardless of gender – as body composition naturally shifts due to muscle mass loss. Unfortunately for women, this coincides with menopause, further complicating weight management. Diminishing estrogen also disrupts hunger signals, increasing appetite.

“Weight gain is the number one concern for many women when it comes to menopause,” notes Zoe Griffiths, Senior Director for Allurion, Behavioral Medicine. “Living with overweight or obesity has a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing at any age.”

Postmenopausal women living with obesity often report reduced quality of life due to decreased physical functioning, energy levels, and overall health. The psychological factors associated with both menopause and weight gain can fuel unhealthy cycles of emotional eating and weight struggles.

Taking Control During Menopause

Weight reduction plays a vital role in improving wellbeing during and after menopause. Maintaining a healthy weight also assists in managing troublesome menopausal symptoms.

Allurion offers a comprehensive weight management approach especially helpful during menopause. The Allurion Program combines a temporary gastric balloon – which promotes feelings of fullness – with behavior modification, personalized nutrition coaching, and digital monitoring. This unique program ensures healthy weight loss, focusing on reducing unhealthy fat stores.

Additional tips for managing weight during menopause:

Target gradual weight reduction: Women with higher BMI often experience more intense hot flashes; weight loss can lessen these symptoms.

Prioritize strategies to reduce body fat: This eases bloating common during perimenopause.

Adopt a balanced diet and exercise regime: Manage joint and back pain exacerbated by obesity and common during menopause.

Focus on mental wellbeing: Weight loss can improve mood, self-esteem, and day-to-day health management.

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