Dubai anticipates cloudy New Year’s eve with possible drizzle

On the last day of the year in Dubai, residents may experience dense cloud cover with a chance of drizzle in the evening. Eisa Al Sereidi, Head of General Meteorology at the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM), indicated that the ongoing winter months in the UAE are contributing to fog formation, with a gradual reduction expected in the following days.

On New Year’s Eve, internal areas may experience probable fog, with cloud cover expected over coastal areas, particularly in the northern and eastern regions. There is a possibility of light rain or drizzle associated with the cloud cover. December has seen lower rainfall compared to the same month in previous years, with high pressure hindering rain-bearing clouds over the UAE.

The coming weekend may see an extension of high pressure, causing possible drizzling in the region. Sereidi warned of colder days in January, historically the coldest month, with temperatures likely to drop by four to five degrees.

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