Five reasons why you should go for a massage

Dubai Vibes staff

The lockdown, working-from-home, and being far away from your loved ones have taken its toll on your physical, emotional, and mental health. With all the uncertainties the Covid-19 pandemic have brought upon us, unnecessary stress and a few more pounds here and there have built up over time. 

Now that we are threading in the “new normal with eased restrictions, we could use a little pampering to help us get through this rough patch. 

1. Goodbye work-from-home back pain
Sitting for long hours? Wrong posture? Sounds familiar? At home, having an ergonomic workplace is a challenge for many. Your shoulders, neck, and lower back suffer a lot from this as you do your work. A little help from your massage therapist can do the trick to relieve those aching muscles for they know where you ‘knead-ed’ it the most. 

2. Lose that extra pounds
For the past months that you’ve been in hiding at home, unwanted pounds started to show up. This is due to stress, which triggers you to eat more; inactivity and binge-eating while watching movies on Netflix. Since spas and wellness centers are open, the time is right about now to book a massage to the branch near you as massage can assist you improve your metabolism. 

3. Travel with your mind
A visit to the spa, like Dreamworks Spa, is your safest (not to mention the quickest, too) ticket to unwind and discover the rich culture of Bali, Indonesia and its neighboring countries. You can try the traditional Balinese massage, one of the signature treatments, done by a highly trained Indonesian therapist. 

4. Keep the glow
Is your skin looking a bit worse for wear? Having a massage can bring back that glow you need as it improves lymphatic flow. The manipulation of the skin with smooth kneading accompanied by pressure flushes toxins and makes room for the good stuff such as oxygen and nutrients. It also aids in increasing blood flow, which encourages healing of the red blood cells, thus improving the tone and appearance of the skin. 

5. Bring the balance in your life
Unravel your thoughts and submit to a deep relaxation state while you are on the massage table. The sense of peace you’ll feel during your session aids in relieving stress and anxiety. The connection of your mind and body is a perfect balance for it unlocks positive energy with the release of endorphins. Moreover, the use of essential oils is beneficial. It creates changes in the body and mental state, which encourages a sense of wellbeing.

If these five reasons aren’t enough for you to head to a wellness center, then here are more options which you can enjoy spending a day at the spa – check out partner hotels of Dreamworks Spa as they offer pool access, discount on food & beverage, and gift vouchers. Massage works wonders.  Check out Dreamworks Spa won the Luxury Spa Group category (Continent: Middle East) in the World Luxury Spa Awards 2020


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