UAE identical twins take badminton by storm, strive for Olympic medals 

Dhiren and Dev Ayyappan, identical twins, stunned previous world champions Mohammad Ahsan and Hendra Setiawan at the Badminton Asia Championships in Dubai. They have since become household names in the badminton world. The 17-year-old brothers were a part of the UAE team that competed in the event, and after winning their preliminary match, they were able to advance to the second round.

The twins’ passion for badminton began in 2016 after they saw a doubles play at a competition and fell in love with the game. Their first racquets were a present from their father, a badminton enthusiast, and they never looked back after that.

Dhiren and Dev have advanced significantly in just seven years, and their latest victory over Ahsan and Setiawan is evidence of both their talent and diligence. The twins were undaunted by the renown of their opponents, even though they lost the match, and entered the contest with the intention of demonstrating their abilities and potential.

“When we went into the match, we knew that they were the most experienced players in the tournament. They won so many titles. We just went there to fulfil our game and show them what we are capable of,” says Dhiren.

The astonishing growth of the Ayyappan twins in badminton has not gone unnoticed. They were noticed by the international badminton community as a result of their remarkable performance at the Badminton Asia Championships, and they are expected to become well-known in the years to come.

Dhiren and Dev have inspired prospective badminton players in the UAE and elsewhere with their unwavering dedication and love for the sport. 

Their story serves as proof that everything is achievable with effort and tenacity. We wish them luck in their future pursuits and are forward to learn what they will do next.

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