Monthly Archives: July, 2022

Imran Khan: A Dubai expat lawyer showing off his legal brilliance

Being a lawyer is one of the most perilous yet noble professions. Amidst seas of laws, regulations, and bylaws of a particular civilization, these...

Halila Siham: Fashion as spirit, writing as soul

Gracefulness is easily seen in a lady of skills and dignity, such as Halila Siham, a 37-year-old model, actress, journalist, and CEO of The...

Temps in Dubai are expected to reach 35 degrees, with possible heavy rain

The weather in the UAE today will be unstable, according to the National Centre of Meteorology. According to the National Centre of Meteorology, the weather...

Christiana Maxion: The Saga of ‘Our Lady of Dubai Matchmaker’

Looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with, someone to depend on and be with you through thick and thin, illness...

Bhupendra Bagla: Bringing science, art, and charity into photography

One of the greatest goals of an expat in the United Arab Emirates is to be granted a Golden Visa. This opportunity is widely...

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